This year we teamed up with United Way in a “Day of Caring”. The whole experience was very fun and rewarding! It started out at the Community Center Building. A group of us from Quality dug right in and were able to make some great improvements to our local community center and part of the Head Start Building.
We began in the garden courtyard cleaning out the overgrown, and very neglected flower beds. Tackling stubborn weeds was just the start. We also trimmed low hanging branches, washed the dirt off sidewalks and the patio and raked mountains of leaves. Picking up trash from the playground area and dragging away limbs was also something that we were able to do to help out. We thoroughly enjoyed giving back to the community with all these tasks. Don’t let all that work fool you. We had a great time volunteering. This is one of the many things about United Way of Norman, they have a unique approach to strengthen and bring together our entire community in a pleasant and surprising way. If you ever have the opportunity to volunteer, seriously consider it. The reward of helping out is more than worth the time and effort involved. Overall, The 2018 Day of Caring was a rewarding day and at the end of it, we felt good to give back to the community.